Tuesday, December 9, 2014


This week I was excited about seeing Kahoot used in the classroom. Ms. Kolodzinski used Kahoot as a math review for her fourth grade students.  Kahoot delivers an online interactive quiz to students. She projected a question in the front of the classroom. The students see the corresponding icon and color on their screen. They have 30 seconds to answer on their computer and get points for every question they answer right. The quicker they answer the more points they receive. After each question the top 5 students are shown on the board with their scores. This is where it gets exciting. The students love this immediate feedback and want to get to the top position. I have never seen students so focused on answering the questions correctly. You can see in the photos that the students loved every minute of their math review!
Teachers can create their own Kahoots or use Kahoots other teachers have created. Check out the Kahoot User's Guide for step by step directions or view the videos below.

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